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Grammar English - It maintains the continuity of a sentence.

For Example
A cat fell into a well.

In >> It shows the things at rest
He is in the room.

Into >> It shows the things in the state of motion.
Please come into my room.

On/Upon :
On >> It shows the things at rest.
A book is lying on the table.
A cat is sitting on the table.

Upon >> It shows things in the state of movement.
A can pounced upon a rat.
He always acts upon my advice.

In >> It is used before the names of countries and big cities
She lives in London.
He lives in Faisalabad

At >> It is used before the names of small places.
She lives at Jaranwala.
He lives at London in England.

In >> means after the end of a certain period.
She will come after a week. (Wrong)
She will come in a week. (Right)

Within >> It means before the end of a certain period.
I shall come back within a week

By >> It means not later than a certain period.
The following students are demanded to pay the admission dues by the 15t of this month, otherwise they will be fined a hundred rupees per day.

Till >> It is used for certain time.
Wait here till I come.

Until >> It means as the meaning of till
Wait here until I come.

Unless >> It gives -ive sense.
He will not succeed unless he work hard.

In >> It is used before weeks, months and years.
She will take admission to PMC in 2004.

On >> It is used before day and night.
New group of entry test class starts on Monday.
Her marriage will come off on the 20h of this month.

At >> It is used before time.
Your entry test class will start at 9'O clock.

It is used to change active into passive.
It is used before all the automobiles.
He came to college by bus.
He came by train.

From /To:
From My friend is from America.

To It directs you towards a certain direction.
He is going to the east.

Rule: Preposition 'To' is not used before the word (home).
I am going home. (right)
I am going to home. (wrong)

's >> It is used before living things.
The Quaid's Pakistan.
Aslam's house.

Of >> It is used before non-living things.
The leg of this chair is broken.

Mutual >>  It is shared by two persons.
He is our mutual friend.

Mutual affection is shared by two persons.
They have mutual affection.

Common >> It is shared between more than two persons.
Pakistan is our common country.

Words without Prepositions: 
No preposition is used after the following words:
1. Love
2. Hate
3. Enter
4. Reach
5. Order

He ordered a cup of coffee.
The high court issued order for his release.

6. Attack
Our forces attacked India last night
America appreciates attack on terrorism

7. Resemble
She resembles her mother.

8. Conduce(Verb)
Hard work conduces a brilliant success.

9. Observe
The writer has closely observed the seagull's movement

10. Pay
Hard work pays brilliantly

11. Appreciate
America appreciates the attack

12. Like
I like you.

13. Board

No preposition after the following recreational activities also
Yesterday we went swimming.
Yesterday we went hunting.
Yesterday we went fishing.
Yesterday we went skating.
Yesterday we went mountaineering.
Yesterday we went riding.
Yesterday we went rowing.

Preposition (on) is used before the following words:
1. Tour >> On tour.
2. Picnic >> On picnic.
3. Trip >> On trip.

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