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NOUN - It means the names of persons, places and things.

For Example: Karachi, Lahore, Watch, Hameeda etc.

1) Proper Noun
     It means particular names of persons and places. For Example: Lahore, Karachi, Hameeda etc

2) Common Noun
     It means names of the things that are commonly used. For Example: watch, pen, fan etc.

3) Material Noun
     It means names of the things which can be converted into many other forms.

     For Example:
     Wheat can be converted into many other forms.
     Cotton can be converted into many different forms

No use of 'The' before nouns Exception to the rule 'The' is used before material noun.
For Example : The gold of Sawat, The rice of Hafizabad

4) Abstract Noun: It indicates a quality, a state.

'The' is not used before abstract nouns Exception to the rule
When we compare a big and famous personality to a comparatively small personality; 'The' may be used.
For Example
Waris Shah is the Shakespeare of Punjab.
Faiz Ahmad Faiz is the John Keats of Urdu literature.
Bush is the Hitler of this age.

5) Collective Noun: It means the names of things which give the names of collective things. For Example: Jury, Army, Cabinet etc.

PRONOUN - It is used in place of a noun.

For Example: I, we, you, they, he, she. It etc.
1) Personal Pronoun:
    1 st Person I, we
    2 nd Person You
    3 rd Person He, she, it, they

Arrangement (for good deeds) You, he & I are helping the poor.
Arrangement (for wrong deeds) I, you & he are wrong.

2) Relative Pronoun:
Who: used for living things.
Which: used for non-living things.
That: used for both living & non-living things.

For Example:
It is I who is not responsible for that. (Wrong)
It is I who am not responsible for that. (Right)

Antecedent of (I) is (Who)

3). Interrogative Pronoun:
     what when why where who how whose whom which
      For Example:
      Where are you going?
      What are you doing?
      When will you come back?
      Tell me what you are doing?

Cases of Pronoun Subjective Or Nominative Case
 I  We  You  He  She  They  It  One

Possessive Or Genitive Case
 My/Mine  Our/Ours  You/Yours  His  Her/Hers  Their/Theirs  Its  One‟s

Objective Case
 Me  Us  You  Him  Her  Them  It  One

Reflexive Case 
 Myself  Ourselves  Yourself  Himself  Herself  Themselves  Itself  Oneself

Rule: Subjective or nominative case of pronoun is used after comparative (Than).
For example:
She is more intelligent than I.
She is more intelligent than he.

Rule: Subjective or nominative case of pronoun is used after helping verb.
For example:
It was he who kept his promise.
These are they who don‟t deceive their friends.

Rule: The possessive case of pronoun is used before the gerund.
For example:
I don‟t like your going there.

Rule: Possessive case is followed by possessive case.
For example:
Her room is more spacious than mine.
Her house is more spacious than that of my friend.

Rule: Objective case is used when we change subjective into objective.
For example:
Mangoes are eaten by him.

Rule: Objective case is used after between and let.
For example:
It is between you and me.
Let me do this.

Rule: Reflexive case:
Pronoun is used reflexively after following eleven words:
1. Avail:  He availed himself of the opportunity.
2. Absent:  He absented himself from the class.
3. Acquit:  He acquitted himself nicely of the trial.
4. Avenge :  He avenged himself upon his enemy.
5. Enjoy:  We enjoyed ourselves during summer vacations.
6. Exert :  He exerted himself to the uttermost.
7. Set:  He set himself to achieve his target.
8. Demean :  He demeaned himself in the party due to his rough behavior.
9. Drink:  He drank himself to death.
10. Resign:  The prisoner resigned himself to his fate.
11. Apply:  He applied himself intelligently upon his work

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